Why not write about life,
while it’s happening.
Full on.
With humour.
And resilience.


Understand Story Beats to Become a Better Writer

Only the whole history of writing proves this to be true.

It’s my own personal belief that the importance of oral stories, from our most ancient history, still define us today. This is why when we sit down to read or watch, or listen to a story we understand — and feel and see — without really being able to articulate why.

I’ve Been Living Inside My Story For 4 Years
I got out…here’s the first 3 things I had to learn

At first, going there was only a dream. So that became the story — about imagining being there.

A Q3 Review of the Coronavirus

How BlueDot Global Identified the Virus That Went From Exclusive to Everywhere.

On the last day of 2019, one sole member of the BlueDot surveillance team was on duty working the holiday when she came across a short article in a Chinese business newspaper. It referenced an unusual pneumonia-like virus that had no known origin, which had just emerged in the city of Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.

So much for pulling the quiet shift.

That Kamala Feeling

It Was So Much More Than the White Pantsuit

When Kamala confidently strode onto the glass-lined stage on Saturday night, November 7, 2020, in Wilmington, Delaware, to deliver her acceptance speech for Vice President Elect, there was something that happened. You heard it didn’t you? You felt it, right?